Monday, January 9, 2012

Godzilla Has Not Destroyed Tokyo.... Yet

First week of the year is now over and so far so good on the goals.  The weight lose has been the easiest so far since I actually started that goal right after Christmas.  The biggest shock has been how well I am handling a self imposed month of no chocolate. By no chocolate, I mean no chocolate. No candy bars, no chocolate flavored ice cream, no chocolate cake,  no brownies, no hot coco, etc.  Since chocolate is the go to food when I'm stressed it really is surprising that I have caused someone bodily harm by now.

Now why the self imposed month you ask?  Multiple reasons really.  First, I've done it before while the doctors where determining that my gallbladder had sent out a two weeks notice that it was quitting and wanted to be relocated ASAP.  Second, in moderation chocolate is good, however, since I eat it when stressed I have been going slightly overboard in the moderation department so it is time to cut back and treat it properly. Third, is a philosophical pursuit, give up something you enjoy for a month and see how not having it has impacted your life.

Just to let you know there are only 50 Mondays left in 2012.  Here's hoping they are declared illegal before the end of the year.

"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts."
Winston Churchill

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